Contributing an article

All articles are written in markdown with minimal formatting necessary. To a first approximation your article should simply be a plain text file. Here’s the basic template your article should use:

layout:     post
title:      Using markdown
date:       2015-12-01 9:00:00
summary:    Learn to write a post in markdown
author:     Your name
permalink:  /guide/
published:  false

Articles are written in markdown (kramdown).  
Please use minimal formatting for your article.

This is a single paragraph. It is separated by newlines. 
No need for html tags. A single line break does not start a new

This is a second paragraph. 
You can place subsections as follows.

## Using maths

You can use math as you would in latex, except that we always use double dollar signs, even for inline equation. Let $$n>2$$ be an integer.
Consider the centered equation (we use html tags to center it):

$$ a^n + b^n = c^n $$
{: style="text-align:center;"}

Wiles proved the following theorem.

> **Theorem** (Fermat's Last Theorem).
> The above equation has no solution in the positive integers.

## Links and images

You can place a link like [this](

You place a picture similarly:


## Emphasis and boldface

Use *this* for emphasis and **this** for boldface.

## You're all set.

There really isn't more you need to know.

The post would appear like this on the web. If you need more than what is in the above example, check out this kramdown reference. You may also use any valid HTML tag in your article, but please try to avoid this.

Submitting an article

The blog lives in this github repository. If you are a regular contributor and your github account has admin access to the repository, you can add an article like this from your command line:

git clone
git add
# edit the article using your favorite editor
git commit -m "my post"
git push -u origin master

If after that you make more changes you can upload them as follows:

git commit -am "new changes"
git pull
git push

If you don’t have admin access, you can either create a pull request (assuming you’re comfortable with git) or send any regular contributor the article in markdown. If so, please start from this template and follow the above.